Q51. Who were the first men to win the Nobel Prize for Economics?
a) Paul A. Samuelson (USA)
b) Simon Kuznets (USA)
c) Ragnar Frisch (Norway) & Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands)
d) Wassily Leontief (USA)

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Correct Answer: c) Ragnar Frisch (Norway) & Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands)
Explanation: Ragnar Frisch, a Norwegian economist, and Jan Tinbergen, a Dutch economist, were the first recipients of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1969. They were awarded the prize for their development and application of dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes.

Q52. Who was the first woman president of a country?
a) Golda Meir (Israel)
b) Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka)
c) Indira Gandhi (India)
d) María Estela Martínez de Perón (Argentina)

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Correct Answer: d) María Estela Martínez de Perón (Argentina)
Explanation: María Estela Martínez de Perón, also known as Isabel Perón, was the first woman president of a country. She served as the President of Argentina from 1974 to 1976.

Q53. Who was the first male space tourist?
a) Dennis Tito (USA)
b) Mark Shuttleworth (South Africa)
c) Gregory Olsen (USA)
d) Charles Simonyi (USA)

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Correct Answer: a) Dennis Tito (USA)
Explanation: Dennis Tito, an American businessman, was the first male space tourist. He visited the International Space Station in 2001 aboard the Russian Soyuz TM-32 spacecraft.

Q54. Who was the first female space tourist?
a) Anousheh Ansari (Iranian-American)
b) Peggy Whitson (USA)
c) Sunita Williams (USA)
d) Barbara Morgan (USA)

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Correct Answer: a) Anousheh Ansari (Iranian-American)
Explanation: Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-American entrepreneur, was the first female space tourist. She visited the International Space Station in 2006 aboard the Russian Soyuz TMA-9 spacecraft.

Q55. Who was the first person to conduct a spacewalk?
a) Neil Armstrong (USA)
b) Buzz Aldrin (USA)
c) Alexei Leonov (USSR)
d) Ed White (USA)

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Correct Answer: c) Alexei Leonov (USSR)
Explanation: Alexei Leonov, a Soviet cosmonaut, was the first person to conduct a spacewalk. He performed the historic extravehicular activity (EVA) on March 18, 1965, during the Voskhod 2 mission.

Q56. Who was the first queen of Britain?
a) Elizabeth I
b) Mary I
c) Anne
d) Lady Jane Grey

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Correct Answer: d) Lady Jane Grey
Explanation: Lady Jane Grey, also known as the “Nine Days’ Queen,” was the first queen of Britain. She ruled for only nine days in 1553 before being deposed by Mary I.

Q57. Who was the first woman president?
a) María Estela Martínez de Perón (Argentina)
b) Golda Meir (Israel)
c) Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka)
d) Indira Gandhi (India)

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Correct Answer: a) María Estela Martínez de Perón (Argentina)
Explanation: María Estela Martínez de Perón, also known as Isabel Perón, was the first woman president. She served as the President of Argentina from 1974 to 1976.

Q58. Who was the first woman to swim across the English Channel?
a) Gertrude Ederle (USA)
b) Florence Chadwick (USA)
c) Marilyn Bell (Canada)
d) Lynne Cox (USA)

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Correct Answer: a) Gertrude Ederle (USA)
Explanation: Gertrude Ederle, an American swimmer, was the first woman to swim across the English Channel. She accomplished this feat on August 6, 1926.

Q59. Which country was the first to legalize euthanasia?
a) Belgium
b) Switzerland
c) Netherlands
d) Canada

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Correct Answer: c) Netherlands
Explanation: The Netherlands was the first country to legalize euthanasia. The Dutch parliament passed the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act in 2001, which came into effect in 2002.

Q60. Which country was the first to issue banknotes?
a) England
b) France
c) Sweden
d) China

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Correct Answer: c) Sweden
Explanation: Sweden was the first country to issue banknotes. The first Swedish banknotes were issued in 1661 by Stockholms Banco, a predecessor of the modern-day central bank, Sveriges Riksbank.

Q61. Which country was the first to provide citizenship to a robot (Sophia)?
a) United States of America
b) Japan
c) United Arab Emirates
d) Saudi Arabia

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Correct Answer: d) Saudi Arabia
Explanation: Saudi Arabia was the first country to provide citizenship to a robot named Sophia. Sophia, developed by Hanson Robotics, was granted Saudi citizenship in October 2017.

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