GK MCQ on Countries with Largest Aquatic Area in the World

Q31. Which country has the most extensive system of river basins in the world?
a) Brazil
b) Russia
c) China
d) United States

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Correct Answer: a) Brazil
Explanation: Brazil has the most extensive system of river basins in the world, including the Amazon Basin, which is the largest river basin on Earth. The Amazon River and its tributaries flow through a vast area of diverse ecosystems.

Q32. Which is the largest enclosed inland body of water on Earth by area?
a) Lake Superior
b) Aral Sea
c) Caspian Sea
d) Lake Victoria

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Correct Answer: c) Caspian Sea
Explanation: The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water on Earth by area. It is classified as the world’s largest lake or a full-fledged sea due to its size and saline water.

Q33. Which country has the most significant number of World Heritage marine sites?
a) Australia
b) Mexico
c) United States
d) Spain

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Correct Answer: a) Australia
Explanation: Australia has the most significant number of World Heritage marine sites, including the Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Coast, and the Lord Howe Island Group. These sites are recognized for their outstanding natural value and biodiversity.

Q34. What is the largest river by discharge volume in the world?
a) Nile River
b) Amazon River
c) Congo River
d) Yangtze River

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Correct Answer: b) Amazon River
Explanation: The Amazon River is the largest river by discharge volume in the world, releasing approximately 209,000 cubic meters of water per second into the Atlantic Ocean. It accounts for about 20% of the global riverine discharge to the ocean.

Q35. Which country has the largest number of glaciers outside the polar regions?
a) Canada
b) Norway
c) United States (Alaska)
d) India

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Correct Answer: c) United States (Alaska)
Explanation: The United States, specifically Alaska, has the largest number of glaciers outside the polar regions. Alaska’s glaciers are significant contributors to sea-level rise due to melting and calving.

Q36. Which is the largest island in the world?
a) New Guinea
b) Borneo
c) Madagascar
d) Greenland

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Correct Answer: d) Greenland
Explanation: Greenland is the largest island in the world, covering an area of over 2.16 million square kilometers. It is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.

Q37. Which sea is the largest marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean?
a) Barents Sea
b) Kara Sea
c) Laptev Sea
d) East Siberian Sea

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Correct Answer: a) Barents Sea
Explanation: The Barents Sea is the largest marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean, located off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia. It is known for its rich marine life and significant oil and gas reserves.

Q38. Which country has the most extensive coral reef area in its territorial waters?
a) Australia
b) Indonesia
c) Philippines
d) Fiji

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Correct Answer: a) Australia
Explanation: Australia has the most extensive coral reef area in its territorial waters, primarily due to the Great Barrier Reef, which is the largest coral reef system in the world.

Q39. Which is the largest river in the world by length?
a) Amazon River
b) Nile River
c) Yangtze River
d) Mississippi River

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Correct Answer: b) Nile River
Explanation: The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching approximately 6,650 kilometers from its sources in the African highlands to its delta in Egypt.

Q40. Which country has the largest tidal range in the world?
a) Canada
b) United Kingdom
c) France
d) Australia

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Correct Answer: a) Canada
Explanation: Canada, specifically the Bay of Fundy, has the largest tidal range in the world. The difference between high and low tide can be as much as 16 meters, due to the unique shape and depth of the bay.

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