GK MCQ on Countries with Largest Aquatic Area in the World

Q11. Which country has the highest number of coral reef species?
a) Australia
b) Indonesia
c) Philippines
d) Maldives

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Correct Answer: b) Indonesia
Explanation: Indonesia is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity, including the highest number of coral reef species. The country’s vast archipelago is part of the Coral Triangle, which is known as the global center of marine biodiversity.

Q12. Which is the largest saltwater lake in the world?
a) Great Salt Lake
b) Caspian Sea
c) Dead Sea
d) Lake Urmia

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Correct Answer: b) Caspian Sea
Explanation: The Caspian Sea, despite its name, is the largest saltwater lake in the world. It is a remnant of the ancient Paratethys Sea and has a salinity level of approximately 1.2%, making it saline but less salty than the ocean.

Q13. Which ocean basin is the oldest?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean

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Correct Answer: a) Pacific Ocean
Explanation: The Pacific Ocean is not only the largest but also the oldest of the existing ocean basins. Its oldest rocks have been dated to about 200 million years ago, making it significantly older than the other major ocean basins.

Q14. Which country has the longest freshwater coastline in the world?
a) Canada
b) Russia
c) United States
d) Brazil

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Correct Answer: c) United States
Explanation: The United States has the longest freshwater coastline in the world, largely due to the extensive coastlines along the Great Lakes. These freshwater bodies significantly contribute to the country’s geographical and ecological diversity.

Q15. What is the largest man-made lake in the world by volume?
a) Lake Volta
b) Lake Kariba
c) Lake Nasser
d) Lake Mead

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Correct Answer: b) Lake Kariba
Explanation: Lake Kariba, located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is the largest man-made lake by volume in the world. It has a storage capacity of 185 cubic kilometers of water, created by damming the Zambezi River in the late 1950s.

Q16. Which ocean has the most extensive coral reef system in the world?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean

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Correct Answer: a) Pacific Ocean
Explanation: The Pacific Ocean hosts the most extensive coral reef system in the world, the Great Barrier Reef. Located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, it spans over 2,300 kilometers and is the largest coral reef system on Earth.

Q17. Which country has the highest number of islands in the world?
a) Indonesia
b) Sweden
c) Canada
d) Philippines

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Correct Answer: a) Indonesia
Explanation: Indonesia is the country with the highest number of islands in the world, with over 17,000 islands. This vast archipelago stretches between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, contributing to its rich biodiversity and cultural diversity.

Q18. What is the largest brackish water body in the world?
a) Baltic Sea
b) Caspian Sea
c) Black Sea
d) Hudson Bay

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Correct Answer: a) Baltic Sea
Explanation: The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish water body in the world. Brackish water is a mixture of fresh and saltwater, and the Baltic Sea’s unique salinity levels are due to the limited exchange of water with the North Sea and the inflow of freshwater from surrounding rivers.

Q19. Which lake is the highest navigable lake in the world by commercial craft?
a) Lake Titicaca
b) Lake Tahoe
c) Lake Baikal
d) Lake Tana

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Correct Answer: a) Lake Titicaca
Explanation: Lake Titicaca, located on the border between Peru and Bolivia, is the highest navigable lake in the world by commercial craft. Situated at an elevation of 3,812 meters above sea level, it is also one of the largest lakes in South America.

Q20. Which country has the largest area of mangrove forests in the world?
a) Brazil
b) Indonesia
c) Bangladesh
d) Australia

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Correct Answer: b) Indonesia
Explanation: Indonesia has the largest area of mangrove forests in the world. These critical ecosystems are found throughout the country’s vast archipelago, providing essential habitats for a wide range of species and playing a crucial role in coastal protection.

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