GK MCQ on Control and Coordination in Humans

Q41. What part of the nervous system is responsible for slowing the heart rate and conserving energy?
a) Sympathetic nervous system
b) Parasympathetic nervous system
c) Somatic nervous system
d) Central nervous system

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Correct Answer: b) Parasympathetic nervous system
Explanation: The parasympathetic nervous system, a branch of the autonomic nervous system, is responsible for slowing the heart rate and conserving energy. It promotes “rest and digest” activities, decreasing respiration and heart rate, and increasing digestive activities. This system counterbalances the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system.

Q42. Which hormone, produced by the pancreas, raises blood glucose levels?
a) Insulin
b) Glucagon
c) Thyroxine
d) Cortisol

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Correct Answer: b) Glucagon
Explanation: Glucagon, a hormone produced by the pancreas, raises blood glucose levels. It works in opposition to insulin. When blood sugar levels are low, glucagon signals the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose and release it into the bloodstream, thus increasing blood glucose levels.

Q43. Which part of the eye is responsible for focusing light on the retina?
a) Lens
b) Iris
c) Cornea
d) Pupil

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Correct Answer: a) Lens
Explanation: The lens of the eye is responsible for focusing light onto the retina. It is a transparent, flexible structure that changes shape to adjust the eye’s focus, allowing us to see objects clearly at various distances. The lens works together with the cornea to refract light and form a sharp image on the retina.

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Q44. What is the main function of white matter in the brain?
a) Generating neural impulses
b) Processing information
c) Connecting different brain regions
d) Regulating neurotransmitter production

Correct Answer: c) Connecting different brain regions
Explanation: The main function of white matter in the brain is to connect different brain regions. White matter consists largely of myelinated axons, which are nerve fibers covered with a myelin sheath that speeds up the transmission of electrical signals. These axonal connections facilitate communication between various areas of the brain and between the brain and the spinal cord.

Q45. What is the role of the thyroid gland in the human body?
a) Regulating growth and metabolism
b) Controlling blood pressure
c) Producing red blood cells
d) Managing immune responses

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Correct Answer: a) Regulating growth and metabolism
Explanation: The thyroid gland plays a critical role in regulating growth and metabolism. It produces hormones such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which influence the rate at which cells use energy. Thyroid hormones affect numerous physiological processes, including heart rate, body temperature, and weight.

Q46. What is the primary function of the eustachian tube in humans?
a) To help in hearing
b) To maintain balance
c) To equalize air pressure in the middle ear
d) To produce earwax

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Correct Answer: c) To equalize air pressure in the middle ear
Explanation: The primary function of the eustachian tube is to equalize air pressure in the middle ear with the atmospheric pressure outside. It connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx and helps to ensure that pressure on both sides of the eardrum is balanced, which is essential for proper hearing. The eustachian tube opens when we yawn, swallow, or chew, allowing air to pass between the middle ear and the throat.

Q47. What hormone is produced during childbirth and breastfeeding to facilitate bonding between mother and child?
a) Estrogen
b) Progesterone
c) Oxytocin
d) Prolactin

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Correct Answer: c) Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” is produced during childbirth and breastfeeding. It plays a key role in facilitating bonding between the mother and child. Oxytocin causes uterine contractions during childbirth and stimulates the milk ejection reflex during breastfeeding. It also enhances emotional bonding and social connections.

Q48. Which sensory organ is responsible for the sense of equilibrium and balance?
a) Eyes
b) Ears
c) Nose
d) Skin

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Correct Answer: b) Ears
Explanation: The ears, specifically the inner ear, are responsible for the sense of equilibrium and balance. The inner ear contains the vestibular system, which includes structures such as the semicircular canals and the vestibule. These structures detect changes in head position and motion

Q49. Which part of the human brain processes visual information?
a) Frontal lobe
b) Parietal lobe
c) Temporal lobe
d) Occipital lobe

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Correct Answer: d) Occipital lobe
Explanation: The occipital lobe, located at the back of the brain, is primarily responsible for processing visual information. It contains the primary visual cortex, which receives and interprets information from the eyes. Damage to the occipital lobe can result in visual impairments.

Q50. What is the function of Schwann cells in the nervous system?
a) Transmitting nerve signals
b) Forming the myelin sheath around nerve fibers
c) Acting as immune cells
d) Producing neurotransmitters

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Correct Answer: b) Forming the myelin sheath around nerve fibers
Explanation: Schwann cells are a type of glial cell in the peripheral nervous system that function to form the myelin sheath around nerve fibers. This myelin sheath is essential for the rapid transmission of electrical signals along the nerve cell. Schwann cells also play a role in nerve regeneration and repair.

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