GK MCQ on Composition of the blood

Q11. The ABO blood group system is determined by:
a) The type of hemoglobin
b) The presence or absence of antigens on red blood cells
c) The number of platelets
d) The size of white blood cells

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Correct Answer: b) The presence or absence of antigens on red blood cells
Explanation: The ABO blood group system is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens are inherited and form the basis for blood group classification into types A, B, AB, and O.

Q12. What is the normal range of hemoglobin in adult males?
a) 10-12 g/dL
b) 13-18 g/dL
c) 7-9 g/dL
d) 19-22 g/dL

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Correct Answer: b) 13-18 g/dL
Explanation: The normal range of hemoglobin for adult males is generally 13-18 grams per deciliter (g/dL). Hemoglobin levels outside this range can indicate various health issues such as anemia or polycythemia.

Q13. What is serum?
a) Plasma without fibrinogen
b) Red blood cells without hemoglobin
c) Plasma without the clotting factors
d) White blood cells in a concentrated form

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Correct Answer: c) Plasma without the clotting factors
Explanation: Serum is plasma from which the clotting factors, such as fibrinogen, have been removed. This is usually achieved by allowing the blood to clot and then removing the clot, leaving a clear liquid serum that still contains other proteins, antibodies, hormones, etc.

Q14. Which blood cells are the largest in size?
a) Neutrophils
b) Eosinophils
c) Lymphocytes
d) Monocytes

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Correct Answer: d) Monocytes
Explanation: Monocytes are the largest type of white blood cell in human blood. They play a crucial role in the immune system, particularly in fighting off bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, and also in the process of inflammation.

Q15. What is the primary function of erythropoietin (EPO)?
a) Clotting blood
b) Fighting infections
c) Stimulating red blood cell production
d) Transporting oxygen

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Correct Answer: c) Stimulating red blood cell production
Explanation: Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone produced primarily by the kidneys. Its main function is to stimulate the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, which is crucial for maintaining healthy oxygen levels in the body tissues.

Q16. The Rh factor in blood is determined by:
a) A protein present on red blood cells
b) The plasma protein concentration
c) The white blood cell count
d) The platelet shape

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Correct Answer: a) A protein present on red blood cells
Explanation: The Rh factor is determined by the presence or absence of a specific protein on the surface of red blood cells. If the protein is present, the blood is Rh positive; if it’s absent, the blood is Rh negative. This factor is important in blood transfusions and pregnancy.

Q17. Which of the following is not a function of blood?
a) Regulation of body temperature
b) Synthesis of hormones
c) Transportation of oxygen
d) Removal of waste products

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Correct Answer: b) Synthesis of hormones
Explanation: While blood transports hormones throughout the body, it does not synthesize them. Hormone synthesis occurs in various glands throughout the body. Blood’s primary functions include transporting oxygen and nutrients, removing waste, and regulating body temperature and pH.

Q18. Iron deficiency in the body affects the production of:
a) White blood cells
b) Platelets
c) Plasma
d) Red blood cells

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Correct Answer: d) Red blood cells
Explanation: Iron is a critical component of hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Iron deficiency can lead to reduced hemoglobin production and anemia, characterized by a decreased ability of blood to carry oxygen.

Q19. In blood typing, the universal donor blood type is:
a) AB+
b) AB-
c) O+
d) O-

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Correct Answer: d) O-
Explanation: Type O- blood is considered the universal donor type for red blood cell transfusions. This is because O- red blood cells do not have A, B, or Rh antigens on their surface, and hence are less likely to cause an immune reaction in the recipient.

Q20. Blood pH is normally maintained in the range of:
a) 6.8 to 7.2
b) 7.35 to 7.45
c) 7.5 to 7.8
d) 7.8 to 8.2

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Correct Answer: b) 7.35 to 7.45
Explanation: The normal pH range of human blood is tightly regulated between 7.35 and 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. This pH range is crucial for the proper functioning of cellular processes and enzyme activities.

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