GK MCQ on Composition and Functions of Blood

Q31. What is the main function of albumin in blood plasma?
a) Transporting hormones
b) Blood clotting
c) Maintaining osmotic pressure
d) Fighting infections

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Correct Answer: c) Maintaining osmotic pressure
Explanation: Albumin is the most abundant protein in blood plasma and plays a critical role in maintaining the osmotic pressure needed to keep blood in the circulatory system. It also binds and transports various substances, including hormones and drugs.

Q32. Which part of the blood carries out the function of immune surveillance?
a) Red blood cells
b) White blood cells
c) Platelets
d) Plasma

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Correct Answer: b) White blood cells
Explanation: White blood cells, or leukocytes, are responsible for immune surveillance. They circulate in the body, seeking out and destroying pathogens and foreign materials, thereby playing a vital role in the body’s defense mechanisms.

Q33. Blood doping, often used illicitly by athletes, enhances performance by increasing:
a) Blood plasma volume
b) White blood cell count
c) Red blood cell count
d) Platelet count

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Correct Answer: c) Red blood cell count
Explanation: Blood doping is a method used to increase athletic performance by artificially increasing red blood cell count. This can improve endurance by enhancing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to muscles.

Q34. What blood type is known as the universal donor for plasma transfusions?
a) AB+
b) O-
c) A+
d) B-

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Correct Answer: a) AB+
Explanation: AB+ blood type is considered the universal donor for plasma transfusions because AB+ plasma does not contain antibodies against A, B, or Rh blood groups, making it suitable for individuals with any blood type.

Q35. The yellow coloration of plasma is primarily due to:
a) Red blood cells
b) Bilirubin
c) White blood cells
d) Platelets

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Correct Answer: b) Bilirubin
Explanation: The yellow coloration of plasma is mainly due to bilirubin, a byproduct of the normal breakdown of red blood cells. Bilirubin is carried in the plasma to the liver, where it is conjugated and excreted in bile.

Q36. Which condition is characterized by an abnormally high white blood cell count?
a) Anemia
b) Leukopenia
c) Leukocytosis
d) Polycythemia

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Correct Answer: c) Leukocytosis
Explanation: Leukocytosis is a condition characterized by an abnormally high white blood cell count. It can be a response to infection, inflammation, trauma, or certain diseases like leukemia.

Q37. The primary component of blood responsible for clotting is:
a) Hemoglobin
b) Albumin
c) Fibrinogen
d) Globulins

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Correct Answer: c) Fibrinogen
Explanation: Fibrinogen, a soluble plasma protein, plays a crucial role in blood clotting. It is converted into insoluble fibrin during the clotting process, forming a mesh that traps blood cells and helps seal wounds.

Q38. Hemostasis, the process of stopping bleeding, involves which sequence of events?
a) Vasoconstriction, platelet plug formation, coagulation
b) Vasodilation, coagulation, platelet plug formation
c) Platelet plug formation, vasoconstriction, coagulation
d) Coagulation, vasoconstriction, platelet plug formation

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Correct Answer: a) Vasoconstriction, platelet plug formation, coagulation
Explanation: Hemostasis involves three key steps: vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels), platelet plug formation, and coagulation (blood clotting). These steps are crucial to stop bleeding and start the healing process.

Q39. Blood plasma without clotting factors is referred to as:
a) Serum
b) Hemoglobin
c) Erythroplasma
d) Leukoplasm

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Correct Answer: a) Serum
Explanation: Serum refers to the component of blood that remains after clotting has occurred. It is essentially plasma without clotting factors, and it contains proteins, electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, and hormones.

Q40. What is the primary function of basophils in blood?
a) Blood clotting
b) Transporting nutrients
c) Immune response against allergens
d) Oxygen transport

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Correct Answer: c) Immune response against allergens
Explanation: Basophils, a type of white blood cell, are primarily involved in the immune response, particularly against allergens. They play a role in both immediate and delayed allergic reactions and release histamine and other mediators.

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