Q71. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using jute as a packaging material?
a) Biodegradable
b) Durable
c) Non-renewable
d) Breathable

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Correct Answer: c) Non-renewable
Explanation: Jute is a renewable resource, as it is obtained from the bark of the jute plant, which can be grown and harvested annually. This makes it a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to non-renewable materials like plastic. Other advantages of using jute as a packaging material include its biodegradability, durability, and breathability.

Q72. The Round Revolution in India is associated with the growth of which crop?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Potato
d) Sugarcane

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Correct Answer: c) Potato
Explanation: The Round Revolution in India refers to the significant increase in potato production in the country. The revolution aimed to boost potato yield and meet the growing demand for this staple crop.

Q73. Which of the following states is NOT a major potato-producing state in India?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) West Bengal
c) Bihar
d) Kerala

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Correct Answer: d) Kerala
Explanation: Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bihar are among the major potato-producing states in India. Kerala, on the other hand, is not a significant contributor to the country’s potato production.

Q74. What was the primary reason behind the introduction of the Round Revolution in India?
a) To reduce dependence on imported potatoes
b) To promote the use of potatoes in various industries
c) To increase the production of potatoes to meet the growing demand
d) To improve the nutritional value of potatoes

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Correct Answer: c) To increase the production of potatoes to meet the growing demand
Explanation: The main objective of the Round Revolution in India was to increase potato production to meet the growing demand for this staple crop in the country.

Q75. Which organization is responsible for potato research and development in India?
a) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
b) Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
c) National Horticulture Board (NHB)
d) Indian Institute of Horticulture Research (IIHR)

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Correct Answer: b) Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
Explanation: The Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) is the primary organization responsible for potato research and development in India. It focuses on improving potato production, quality, and disease resistance.

Q76. What is the main challenge faced by potato farmers in India?
a) Lack of suitable land for cultivation
b) Inadequate irrigation facilities
c) Late blight and viral degeneration of seed stocks
d) Low market prices for potatoes

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Correct Answer: c) Late blight and viral degeneration of seed stocks
Explanation: Late blight and viral degeneration of seed stocks are major problems faced by potato farmers in India. These issues can lead to reduced yields and poor-quality potatoes.

Q77. The Fiber Revolution in India is associated with the growth of which crop?
a) Jute
b) Silk
c) Cotton
d) Hemp

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Correct Answer: c) Cotton
Explanation: The Fiber Revolution, also known as the Silver Fiber Revolution, is associated with the growth of cotton production in India. Cotton is a crucial component of the textile industry, accounting for approximately 70% of total fiber production in the country. The revolution aimed to increase cotton production, improve its quality, and promote its use in various industries.

Q78. Which state in India is the largest producer of cotton?
a) Gujarat
b) Maharashtra
c) Punjab
d) Haryana

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Correct Answer: a) Gujarat
Explanation: Gujarat is the largest producer of cotton in India. The state’s favorable climate, fertile soil, and abundant water resources make it an ideal location for cotton cultivation.

Q79. What is the primary use of cotton in India?
a) Clothing
b) Packaging
c) Construction
d) Furniture

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Correct Answer: a) Clothing
Explanation: Cotton is primarily used for clothing in India. It is a versatile and comfortable material that is widely used in the production of various types of garments, including traditional and modern clothing.

Q80. Which organization is responsible for the development and promotion of the cotton industry in India?
a) Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
b) Cotton Corporation of India
c) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Cotton Corporation of India, and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) are all responsible for the development and promotion of the cotton industry in India. These organizations work together to ensure the growth of the industry, improve the quality of cotton products, and promote their use in various sectors.

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