GK MCQ on Classification of Plant Kingdom

Q1. Which plant division includes seed-bearing plants with naked seeds and no protective ovary?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyte
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: c) Gymnosperms
Explanation: Gymnosperms are a division of plants characterized by their naked seeds, meaning seeds not enclosed within a fruit or ovary. Examples include conifers, cycads, and ginkgoes.

Q2. Which plant division includes plants commonly known as ferns and reproduces via spores?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyte
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: b) Pteridophyte
Explanation: Pteridophyte, or ferns, are a division of plants that reproduce via spores. They are characterized by vascular tissues for water and nutrient transport.

Q3. Which plant division includes non-vascular plants such as mosses and liverworts?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyte
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: a) Bryophyta
Explanation: Bryophyta are non-vascular plants characterized by their small size and lack of true roots, stems, or leaves. They reproduce via spores and include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

Q4. Which plant division comprises flowering plants with enclosed seeds within fruits?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: d) Angiosperms
Explanation: Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit or ovary. They are the most diverse group of plants, including trees, shrubs, herbs, and grasses.

Q5. Which plant division includes plants that produce seeds but do not bear flowers?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: c) Gymnosperms
Explanation: Gymnosperms are seed-bearing plants that do not produce flowers. Their seeds are typically exposed on the surface of cones or similar structures.

Q6. Which plant division is often referred to as “seedless vascular plants”?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: b) Pteridophyta
Explanation: Pteridophyta, or ferns and fern allies, are often called “seedless vascular plants” because they have vascular tissues for water and nutrient transport but reproduce via spores rather than seeds.

Q7. Which plant division includes plants commonly found in moist environments and lacking vascular tissues?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: a) Bryophyta
Explanation: Bryophyta are non-vascular plants commonly found in moist environments such as forests, bogs, and streams. They lack vascular tissues for water and nutrient transport.

Q8. Which plant division includes plants known for their cone-bearing structures?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: c) Gymnosperms
Explanation: Gymnosperms are known for their cone-bearing structures, where seeds are typically exposed on the surface of cones or similar reproductive structures.

Q9. Which plant division comprises the largest group of plants, including most of the familiar plants such as trees, flowers, and grasses?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: d) Angiosperms
Explanation: Angiosperms, or flowering plants, represent the largest group of plants with over 300,000 species. They include most familiar plants such as trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and grasses.

Q10. Which plant division includes plants that often exhibit alternation of generations, with a dominant gametophyte stage?
a) Bryophyta
b) Pteridophyta
c) Gymnosperms
d) Angiosperms

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Correct Answer: a) Bryophyta
Explanation: Bryophyta often exhibit alternation of generations, where they alternate between a dominant gametophyte stage (haploid) and a sporophyte stage (diploid). This life cycle is characteristic of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

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