GK MCQ on Birds on the earth

Q41. What is the largest bird of prey in North America?
A) Bald Eagle
B) Golden Eagle
C) California Condor
D) Osprey

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Correct Answer: C) California Condor
Explanation: The California Condor is the largest North American bird of prey, with a wingspan that can exceed 9 feet.

Q42. Which bird is known for its black “mask” and is a common feeder visitor?
A) Cardinal
B) Blue Jay
C) Chickadee
D) Sparrow

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Correct Answer: C) Chickadee
Explanation: Chickadees are small, friendly birds recognized by their black cap and bib, often visiting bird feeders.

Q43. What bird is known for its ability to walk on lily pads due to its long toes?
A) Jacana
B) Moorhen
C) Duck
D) Grebe

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Correct Answer: A) Jacana
Explanation: Jacanas, sometimes called “Jesus birds,” have exceptionally long toes that distribute their weight, allowing them to walk on floating vegetation like lily pads.

Q44. Which bird has a diet primarily consisting of bamboo?
A) Parrot
B) Finch
C) Panda Bird
D) Bamboo Warbler

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Correct Answer: B) Finch
Explanation: Certain species of finches, particularly those found on islands where bamboo is prevalent, may have a diet that consists largely of bamboo seeds.

Q45. What bird is known for its ability to swim underwater?
A) Duck
B) Swan
C) Penguin
D) Pelican

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Correct Answer: C) Penguin
Explanation: Penguins are adept swimmers and spend a significant amount of their life in water, using their wings as flippers to swim underwater.

Q46. Which bird is known for its large size and inability to fly?
A) Emu
B) Albatross
C) Kiwi
D) Penguin

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Correct Answer: A) Emu
Explanation: The emu is the second-largest living bird by height, after its relative the ostrich, and is unable to fly.

Q47. What bird is known for its nocturnal habits and eerie calls?
A) Owl
B) Nightingale
C) Whip-poor-will
D) Bat

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Correct Answer: C) Whip-poor-will
Explanation: The whip-poor-will is a nocturnal bird known for its repetitive, haunting calls that can be heard at dusk and dawn.

Q48. Which bird is considered sacred in many cultures and is known for its complex social structure?
A) Eagle
B) Dove
C) Crow
D) Crane

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Correct Answer: D) Crane
Explanation: Cranes are revered in many cultures around the world for their beauty and are known for their complex social behaviors.

Q49. What bird is known for its bright yellow feathers and sweet song?
A) Canary
B) Finch
C) Warbler
D) Sparrow

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Correct Answer: A) Canary

Q50. Explanation: Canaries are famous for their vibrant yellow plumage and melodious songs, making them popular as pets.
Which bird is known for its role in spreading seeds of wild plants?
A) Parrot
B) Crow
C) Thrush
D) Pigeon

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Correct Answer: C) Thrush
Explanation: Thrushes eat a variety of wild fruits and berries, and their droppings often contain undigested seeds, helping to spread these plants to new areas.

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