GK MCQ on Birds on the earth

Q11. What is the primary diet of the Bald Eagle?
A) Insects
B) Fish
C) Small mammals
D) Fruits

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Correct Answer: B) Fish
Explanation: Bald Eagles primarily feed on fish, which they often snatch from the water with their powerful talons.

Q12. Which bird is known for building complex structures called “bowers” to attract mates?
A) Bowerbird
B) Weaverbird
C) Sparrow
D) Puffin

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Correct Answer: A) Bowerbird
Explanation: Bowerbirds build intricate structures decorated with various colorful objects to attract females.

Q13. What is the smallest bird in the world?
A) Bee Hummingbird
B) Goldcrest
C) Weebill
D) Pygmy Parrot

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Correct Answer: A) Bee Hummingbird
Explanation: The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird species, with some individuals measuring just over 2 inches in length.

Q14. Which bird is known for its ability to rotate its head up to 270 degrees?
A) Owl
B) Sparrow
C) Pigeon
D) Hawk

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Correct Answer: A) Owl
Explanation: Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees due to a flexible neck and a unique bone structure.

Q15. What is the primary function of a bird’s feathers?
A) Attraction
B) Insulation
C) Flight
D) All of the above

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Correct Answer: D) All of the above
Explanation: Feathers serve multiple functions, including flight, insulation, and attracting mates.

Q16. Which bird is known for its “laughing” call?
A) Kookaburra
B) Hyena Bird
C) Laughing Dove
D) Laughing Gull

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Correct Answer: A) Kookaburra
Explanation: The kookaburra, native to Australia, is known for its distinctive call that sounds like human laughter.

Q17. What is the group of birds known as “raptors”?
A) Birds of prey
B) Waterfowl
C) Songbirds
D) Flightless birds

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Correct Answer: A) Birds of prey
Explanation: Raptors, or birds of prey, include species such as eagles, hawks, and falcons that hunt and feed on other animals.

Q18. Which bird is known for its blue and green plumage and long tail feathers?
A) Peacock
B) Macaw
C) Kingfisher
D) Quetzal

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Correct Answer: A) Peacock
Explanation: The male peacock is known for its striking blue and green plumage and elongated tail feathers used in courtship displays.

Q19. What is the term for a group of geese on the ground?
A) Flock
B) Gaggle
C) Herd
D) Squadron

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Correct Answer: B) Gaggle
Explanation: A group of geese on the ground is called a gaggle, while in flight, they are referred to as a skein or team.

Q20. Which bird is known for its ability to hover in place while feeding on nectar?
A) Hummingbird
B) Honeyeater
C) Sunbird
D) Flowerpecker

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Correct Answer: A) Hummingbird
Explanation: Hummingbirds have the unique ability to hover in mid-air due to their rapid wing flapping, allowing them to feed on nectar from flowers.

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