GK MCQ on Birds on the earth

Q1.What is the common name for the bird species troglodytes?
A) Robin
B) Wren
C) Sparrow
D) Blue Tit

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Correct Answer: B) Wren
Explanation: The scientific name Troglodytes troglodytes refers to the wren, a small, brown bird commonly found across Europe.

Q2. Which bird is known for its bright pink color?
A) Flamingo
B) Cardinal
C) Parrot
D) Peacock

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Correct Answer: A) Flamingo
Explanation: Flamingos are known for their distinctive pink feathers, which they get from carotenoid pigments in their diet.

Q3. What is the fastest bird in the world when diving?
A) Bald Eagle
B) Peregrine Falcon
C) Golden Eagle
D) Swift

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Correct Answer: B) Peregrine Falcon
Explanation: The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird, reaching speeds over 200 mph during its hunting dive.

Q4. Which bird is the largest living bird by height?
A) Emu
B) Ostrich
C) Albatross
D) Condor

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Correct Answer: B) Ostrich
Explanation: The ostrich is the tallest living bird, with some males standing over 9 feet tall.

Q5. What bird is known for mimicking the sounds of other birds and even mechanical noises?
A) Parrot
B) Lyrebird
C) Starling
D) Mockingbird

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Correct Answer: B) Lyrebird
Explanation: The lyrebird is renowned for its extraordinary ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from its environment.

Q6. Which bird has the largest wingspan?
A) Bald Eagle
B) Andean Condor
C) Wandering Albatross
D) California Condor

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Correct Answer: C) Wandering Albatross
Explanation: The wandering albatross has the largest wingspan of any living bird, which can exceed 11 feet.

Q7. What is the only bird known to fly backwards?
A) Hummingbird
B) Kingfisher
C) Woodpecker
D) Sparrow

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Correct Answer: A) Hummingbird
Explanation: Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards, thanks to their unique wing structure.

Q8. Which bird is often associated with wisdom in Western culture?
A) Owl
B) Eagle
C) Raven
D) Dove

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Correct Answer: A) Owl
Explanation: Owls have long been symbols of wisdom and knowledge in various Western cultures.

Q9. What adaptation allows woodpeckers to peck at wood without injury?
A) Hollow bones
B) Long tongue
C) Shock-absorbent skull
D) Strong beak

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Correct Answer: C) Shock-absorbent skull
Explanation: Woodpeckers have a shock-absorbent skull structure that protects their brain from the impact of pecking.

Q10. Which bird is known for its elaborate courtship dance?
A) Peacock
B) Flamingo
C) Bowerbird
D) Manakin

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Correct Answer: A) Peacock
Explanation: Male peacocks are famous for their courtship display, where they fan out their colorful tail feathers to attract females.

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