GK MCQ on Awards and Honours

Q41. Who were the first laureates to receive the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel?
a) Paul Samuelson and Simon Kuznets
b) Milton Friedman and Kenneth J. Arrow
c) Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen
d) Herbert A. Simon and Wassily Leontief

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Correct Answer: c) Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen
Explanation: The first laureates to receive the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel were Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen in 1969.

Q42. Which university has the most affiliated laureates in economic sciences as of 2023?
a) Harvard University
b) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
c) University of Chicago
d) Princeton University

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Correct Answer: c) University of Chicago
Explanation: As of 2023, the University of Chicago has the most affiliated laureates in economic sciences, with 16 affiliated laureates.

Q43. Who is the youngest laureate to receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences?
a) Esther Duflo
b) Paul Samuelson
c) Kenneth J. Arrow
d) Lawrence Klein

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Correct Answer: a) Esther Duflo
Explanation: Esther Duflo is the youngest laureate to receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, which she was awarded in 2019 at the age of 46.

Q44. Which of the following Nobel laureates in Economic Sciences has also received support from the National Science Foundation (NSF)?
a) Richard H. Thaler
b) Oliver Hart
c) Angus Deaton
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Richard H. Thaler, Oliver Hart, and Angus Deaton have all received support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their work.

Q45. How many times has the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences been awarded to a single laureate only?
a) 26 times
b) 20 times
c) 9 times
d) 55 times

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Correct Answer: a) 26 times
Explanation: The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded to a single laureate only 26 times.

Q46. Which married couple are both laureates, with one receiving the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences and the other the Nobel Peace Prize?
a) Jan Tinbergen and Tjalling Koopmans
b) Gunnar Myrdal and Alva Myrdal
c) Paul Samuelson and Franco Modigliani
d) Herbert A. Simon and Carol M. Simon

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Correct Answer: b) Gunnar Myrdal and Alva Myrdal
Explanation: Gunnar Myrdal received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1974, and his wife, Alva Myrdal, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982.

Q47. As of 2023, which institutions have the most PhD graduates who went on to receive the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences?
a) Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
b) University of Chicago and Princeton University
c) Stanford University and Yale University
d) Columbia University and New York University

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Correct Answer: a) Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Explanation: As of 2023, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have the most PhD graduates who went on to receive the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, with 13 each.

Q48. Who was the first female laureate to receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences?
a) Esther Duflo
b) Elinor Ostrom
c) Claudia Goldin
d) Myrna Weissman

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Correct Answer: b) Elinor Ostrom
Explanation: Elinor Ostrom became the first female laureate to receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences when she was awarded the prize in 2009.

Q49. Which Nobel laureate in Economic Sciences was awarded for contributions to behavioral economics?
a) Richard H. Thaler
b) Daniel Kahneman
c) Robert J. Shiller
d) Alvin E. Roth

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Correct Answer: a) Richard H. Thaler
Explanation: Richard H. Thaler was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2017 for his contributions to behavioral economics.

Q50. What is the prize amount set for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2023?
a) SEK 10 million
b) SEK 11 million
c) SEK 12 million
d) SEK 9 million

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Correct Answer: b) SEK 11 million
Explanation: The prize amount for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2023 is set at Swedish kronor (SEK) 11.0 million per full prize.

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