GK MCQ on Asia Continent

Q11. Which Asian country was formerly known as Persia?
a) Iraq
b) Iran
c) Turkey
d) Egypt

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Correct Answer: b) Iran
Explanation: Iran was known as Persia until 1935. It was officially renamed to reflect the native name of the country, which has been used within the country for centuries.

Q12. Mount Everest is located on the border between which two countries?
a) India and Nepal
b) China and Nepal
c) India and China
d) Bhutan and China

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Correct Answer: b) China and Nepal
Explanation: Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is located on the border between Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.

Q13. Which Asian country is the largest producer of rubber?
a) Thailand
b) Malaysia
c) Vietnam
d) Indonesia

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Correct Answer: d) Indonesia
Explanation: Indonesia is one of the world’s largest producers of natural rubber, which is used globally in various products, including tires and industrial materials.

Q14. The historical region of Mesopotamia is primarily located in which modern-day country?
a) Iran
b) Iraq
c) Syria
d) Turkey

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Correct Answer: b) Iraq
Explanation: Mesopotamia, one of the cradles of civilization, where writing and the first cities emerged, is primarily located in modern-day Iraq.

Q15. What is the capital city of Mongolia?
a) Ulaanbaatar
b) Astana
c) Bishkek
d) Tashkent

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Correct Answer: a) Ulaanbaatar
Explanation: Ulaanbaatar is the capital and largest city of Mongolia. It is the cultural, industrial, and financial heart of the country.

Q16. Which strait separates Asia from North America?
a) Bering Strait
b) Strait of Malacca
c) Palk Strait
d) Strait of Hormuz

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Correct Answer: a) Bering Strait
Explanation: The Bering Strait separates Asia and North America at their closest point, with Russia on one side and Alaska on the other.

Q17. The Taj Mahal is located in which Indian city?
a) Delhi
b) Agra
c) Jaipur
d) Mumbai

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Correct Answer: b) Agra
Explanation: The Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, is located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Q18. Which Asian country is known as the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ for its isolation?
a) China
b) Japan
c) North Korea
d) Myanmar

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Correct Answer: c) North Korea
Explanation: North Korea is often referred to as the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ due to its reclusive nature and minimal engagement with the international community.

Q19. The festival of Diwali is primarily associated with which religion?
a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Hinduism
d) Buddhism

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Correct Answer: c) Hinduism
Explanation: Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most important festivals in Hinduism, celebrated to mark the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Q20. Which country is the top tea producer in Asia?
a) China
b) India
c) Sri Lanka
d) Japan

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Correct Answer: a) China
Explanation: China is the largest producer of tea in Asia and the world, known for its variety of teas including green, black, and oolong.

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