GK MCQ on Asia Continent

Q1. What is the largest country by area in Asia?
a) India
b) Russia
c) China
d) Kazakhstan

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Correct Answer: b) Russia
Explanation: Russia is the largest country by area not only in Asia but also in the world, covering more than 17 million square kilometers, which is almost double the size of the next largest country, Canada.

Q2. Which river is the longest in Asia?
a) Yangtze River
b) Indus River
c) Ganges River
d) Mekong River

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Correct Answer: a) Yangtze River
Explanation: The Yangtze River, flowing for over 6,300 kilometers, is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world, playing a crucial role in the agriculture, transport, and industry of China.

Q3. Which Asian city is known as the ‘City of Pearls’?
a) Mumbai
b) Hyderabad
c) Bangkok
d) Shanghai

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Correct Answer: b) Hyderabad
Explanation: Hyderabad in India is historically known as the ‘City of Pearls’ due to its once-thriving trade in pearls and diamonds under the rule of the Nizams, the former monarchs of the city.

Q4. What is the predominant religion in Indonesia?
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) Islam
d) Christianity

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Correct Answer: c) Islam
Explanation: Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, where Islam is the predominant religion, practiced by about 87% of the population.

Q5. Which Asian country has the highest number of active volcanoes?
a) Japan
b) Indonesia
c) Philippines
d) India

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Correct Answer: b) Indonesia
Explanation: Indonesia has the highest number of active volcanoes in Asia, with more than 130, due to its position on the Pacific Ring of Fire where tectonic plates meet and create a lot of volcanic activity.

Q6. The Great Wall of China was primarily built to protect against which group?
a) The Mongols
b) The Japanese
c) The Manchurians
d) The Tibetans

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Correct Answer: a) The Mongols
Explanation: The Great Wall of China was primarily built to protect against invasions and raids by the Mongol tribes from the north. It is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials.

Q7. Which is the deepest lake in Asia?
a) Lake Baikal
b) Caspian Sea
c) Lake Toba
d) Dead Sea

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Correct Answer: a) Lake Baikal
Explanation: Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, is the deepest lake in Asia and the world, reaching a depth of 1,642 meters. It is also the world’s oldest and most voluminous freshwater lake.

Q8. What is the official language of Singapore?
a) English
b) Mandarin
c) Malay
d) Tamil

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Correct Answer: a) English
Explanation: English is one of the four official languages of Singapore and serves as the main language of administration. It is also widely used in education, business, and formal communications.

Q9. Which country is known as the Land of the Morning Calm?
a) Japan
b) South Korea
c) North Korea
d) Mongolia

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Correct Answer: b) South Korea
Explanation: South Korea is often referred to as the Land of the Morning Calm, a name derived from the calmness and tranquility that is often found in its high mountains and clear waters.

Q10. The currency ‘Yen’ is used in which country?
a) China
b) South Korea
c) Japan
d) Thailand

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Correct Answer: c) Japan
Explanation: The Yen is the official currency of Japan. It is one of the most traded currencies in the world and is widely recognized by its symbol.

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