GK MCQ on Antarctica Continent

Q41. What type of ice formation is commonly found along the coast of Antarctica?
a) Icebergs
b) Frost
c) Ice cubes
d) Glacial lakes

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Correct Answer: a) Icebergs
Explanation: Icebergs, which are large pieces of freshwater ice that have broken off from glaciers or ice shelves, are commonly found along the coast of Antarctica.

Q42. What is the effect of Antarctica’s high albedo on its climate?
a) It absorbs more heat
b) It increases humidity
c) It reflects sunlight
d) It attracts more wildlife
Correct Answer: c) It reflects sunlight
Explanation: Antarctica’s high albedo, which is the measure of reflectivity of its ice and snow, helps to reflect sunlight and maintain the cold climate of the continent.

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Correct Answer: c) It reflects sunlight
Explanation: Antarctica’s high albedo, which is the measure of reflectivity of its ice and snow, helps to reflect sunlight and maintain the cold climate of the continent.

Q43. Which of the following is a key component of the Antarctic food web?
a) Tropical fish
b) Krill
c) Desert plants
d) Land mammals

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Correct Answer: b) Krill
Explanation: Krill are small crustaceans that are a key component of the Antarctic food web, serving as a primary food source for many marine animals, including whales and seals.

Q44. What is the main challenge in conducting year-round research in Antarctica?
a) The warm climate
b) The darkness during winter
c) The abundance of insects
d) The lack of research topics

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Correct Answer: b) The darkness during winter
Explanation: One of the main challenges in conducting year-round research in Antarctica is the extended period of darkness during the winter months, which can affect both human health and research activities.

Q45. What is the primary source of energy for most Antarctic research stations?
a) Solar power
b) Wind power
c) Diesel generators
d) Geothermal energy

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Correct Answer: c) Diesel generators
Explanation: Most Antarctic research stations rely on diesel generators for energy, although some stations are increasingly using renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

Q46. What is the impact of climate change on Antarctic Sea ice?
a) Increase in sea ice extent
b) Decrease in sea ice extent
c) No change in sea ice extent
d) Transformation into land ice

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Correct Answer: b) Decrease in sea ice extent
Explanation: Climate change has led to a decrease in the extent of Antarctic Sea ice, which has implications for global sea levels and marine ecosystems.

Q47. Which of the following is not a typical feature of Antarctic icebergs?
a) Large size
b) High salt content
c) Freshwater composition
d) Drifting nature

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Correct Answer: b) High salt content
Explanation: Antarctic icebergs are typically composed of freshwater and are known for their large size and drifting nature. They do not have a high salt content.

Q48. What role does Antarctica play in global ocean currents?
a) It blocks ocean currents
b) It has no impact on ocean currents
c) It influences the formation of cold, dense water masses
d) It warms ocean currents

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Correct Answer: c) It influences the formation of cold, dense water masses
Explanation: Antarctica plays a crucial role in global ocean currents by influencing the formation of cold, dense water masses that drive the global thermohaline circulation.

Q49. What is the main method used to study the thickness of Antarctic ice sheets?
a) Underwater diving
b) Satellite measurements
c) Direct drilling
d) Historical records

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Correct Answer: b) Satellite measurements
Explanation: Satellite measurements are a main method used to study the thickness and changes in Antarctic ice sheets, providing valuable data for climate research.

Q50. What is the significance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
a) It decreases marine biodiversity
b) It transports warm water to Antarctica
c) It is the strongest and largest ocean current
d) It prevents the mixing of Atlantic and Pacific waters

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Correct Answer: c) It is the strongest and largest ocean current
Explanation: The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is significant as it is the strongest and largest ocean current, encircling Antarctica and influencing global climate patterns by connecting the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

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