GK MCQ on Antarctica Continent

Q31. What is the main reason for the seasonal fluctuation in the population of Antarctica?
a) Tourism
b) Fishing industry
c) Research activities
d) Agricultural practices

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Correct Answer: c) Research activities
Explanation: The population of Antarctica fluctuates seasonally mainly due to the arrival and departure of researchers and support staff at various research stations.

Q32. Which of the following is not a physical characteristic of the Antarctic environment?
a) High mountains
b) Dense forests
c) Ice sheets
d) Glaciers

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Correct Answer: b) Dense forests
Explanation: Antarctica is characterized by its ice sheets, glaciers, and mountains, but it does not have dense forests.

Q33. What is the primary mode of transportation for reaching Antarctica?
a) Commercial airlines
b) Private vehicles
c) Research vessels
d) Trains

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Correct Answer: c) Research vessels
Explanation: The primary mode of transportation for reaching Antarctica is via research vessels, which are equipped to navigate through icy waters.

Q34. Which of the following is a significant environmental concern related to human activities in Antarctica?
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Noise pollution
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Human activities in Antarctica can lead to various forms of pollution, including air, water, and noise pollution, which can impact the fragile environment.

Q35. What is the main focus of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty?
a) To promote commercial tourism
b) To enhance military security
c) To protect the Antarctic environment
d) To increase industrial activity

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Correct Answer: c) To protect the Antarctic environment
Explanation: The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty focuses on protecting the Antarctic environment by prohibiting mineral mining and ensuring that all activities are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.


Q36. Which of the following is not a typical research topic in Antarctica?
a) Marine biology
b) Glaciology
c) Urban development
d) Climate change

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Correct Answer: c) Urban development
Explanation: Typical research topics in Antarctica include marine biology, glaciology, and climate change, but not urban development, as there are no cities or urban areas on the continent.

Q37. What unique feature of Antarctica makes it valuable for astronomical observations?
a) Light pollution
b) Cloud cover
c) Clear skies
d) High humidity

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Correct Answer: c) Clear skies
Explanation: The clear skies and minimal light pollution in Antarctica make it an ideal location for astronomical observations.

Q38. Which of the following is a consequence of the ozone hole over Antarctica?
a) Increased agricultural productivity
b) Decreased marine life
c) Increased ultraviolet radiation
d) Improved air quality

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Correct Answer: c) Increased ultraviolet radiation
Explanation: The ozone hole over Antarctica leads to increased levels of ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface, which can have harmful effects on living organisms.

Q39. What is the primary reason for the international interest in preserving Antarctica?
a) Its potential for agricultural development
b) Its strategic military location
c) Its unique environmental and scientific value
d) Its abundant natural resources

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Correct Answer: c) Its unique environmental and scientific value
Explanation: The primary reason for the international interest in preserving Antarctica is its unique environmental and scientific value, which provides insights into global climate patterns and other scientific phenomena.

Q40. Which of the following is not a factor in the formation of Antarctica’s ice sheets?
a) Snowfall
b) Volcanic activity
c) Cold temperatures
d) Compression of snow

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Correct Answer: b) Volcanic activity
Explanation: Antarctica’s ice sheets are formed by the accumulation and compression of snow, along with consistently cold temperatures. Volcanic activity is not a direct factor in the formation of ice sheets.

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