GK MCQ on Antarctica Continent

Q21. What is the primary source of fresh water in Antarctica?
a) Rivers
b) Lakes
c) Glacial melt
d) Rainfall

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Correct Answer: c) Glacial melt
Explanation: The primary source of fresh water in Antarctica is the meltwater from glaciers and ice sheets.

Q22. Which of the following is a common activity conducted at Antarctic research stations?
a) Commercial fishing
b) Agricultural farming
c) Scientific research
d) Tourism development

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Correct Answer: c) Scientific research
Explanation: The primary activity at Antarctic research stations is scientific research, including studies on climate, wildlife, and glaciology.

Q23. What phenomenon causes extended daylight in Antarctica during the summer?
a) Lunar eclipse
b) Solar flare
c) Midnight sun
d) Polar vortex

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Correct Answer: c) Midnight sun
Explanation: The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon experienced in the summer months in Antarctica, where the sun is visible for 24 hours a day.

Q24. Which of the following is not a reason for the scientific interest in Antarctica?
a) Its unique wildlife
b) Its mineral resources
c) Its extreme weather conditions
d) Its cultural heritage

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Correct Answer: d) Its cultural heritage
Explanation: Antarctica is of scientific interest due to its unique wildlife, extreme weather, and potential mineral resources, but it does not have a cultural heritage like inhabited continents.

Q25. What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica?
a) -56.7°C
b) -73.2°C
c) -89.2°C
d) -102.3°C

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Correct Answer: c) -89.2°C
Explanation: The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89.2°C at Vostok Station in Antarctica.

Q26. Which of the following is a challenge faced by researchers in Antarctica?
a) High temperatures
b) Sandstorms
c) Extreme cold
d) Heavy rainfall

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Correct Answer: c) Extreme cold
Explanation: Researchers in Antarctica face the challenge of extreme cold, which can affect both their health and the functionality of their equipment.

Q27. What type of government does Antarctica have?
a) Democratic republic
b) Monarchy
c) No formal government
d) Communist state

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Correct Answer: c) No formal government
Explanation: Antarctica does not have a formal government; it is governed internationally through the Antarctic Treaty System.

Q28. Which of the following resources is believed to be abundant in Antarctica but is not currently exploited?
a) Oil and natural gas
b) Gold and diamonds
c) Fresh water
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Antarctica is believed to have abundant resources such as oil, natural gas, minerals, and fresh water, but these are not exploited due to the Antarctic Treaty.

Q29. What impact does global warming have on Antarctica?
a) Decrease in ice mass
b) Increase in ice mass
c) No impact
d) Increase in biodiversity

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Correct Answer: a) Decrease in ice mass
Explanation: Global warming has led to a decrease in ice mass in Antarctica, contributing to rising global sea levels.

Q30. Which of the following animals is endemic to Antarctica?
a) Snow leopard
b) Emperor penguin
c) Siberian husky
d) Canadian lynx

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Correct Answer: b) Emperor penguin
Explanation: The Emperor penguin is endemic to Antarctica, meaning it is native to and only found in that region.

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