GK MCQ on Antarctica Continent

Q11. What is the primary reason for the extreme cold in Antarctica?
a) High altitude
b) Proximity to the ocean
c) Lack of sunlight
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The extreme cold in Antarctica is due to its high altitude, its location at the South Pole which receives less sunlight, and its surrounding cold ocean currents.

Q12. Which country operates the McMurdo Station in Antarctica?
a) Australia
b) United States
c) Russia
d) Norway

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Correct Answer: b) United States
Explanation: McMurdo Station is a United States Antarctic research station located on the south tip of Ross Island.

Q13. What is the main diet of the Emperor Penguin?
a) Plants
b) Fish
c) Insects
d) Small mammals

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Correct Answer: b) Fish
Explanation: Emperor Penguins primarily feed on fish, along with other marine life such as krill and squid.

Q14. Which of the following is a significant environmental issue in Antarctica?
a) Deforestation
b) Ice melting
c) Urban pollution
d) Overfishing

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Correct Answer: b) Ice melting
Explanation: The melting of ice in Antarctica is a significant environmental issue, contributing to global sea level rise.

Q15. What unique geological feature is found in Antarctica?
a) Active volcanoes
b) Tropical rainforests
c) Coral reefs
d) Desert dunes

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Correct Answer: a) Active volcanoes
Explanation: Antarctica has several active volcanoes, including Mount Erebus, which is the southernmost active volcano on Earth.

Q16. Which of the following explorers first reached the South Pole?
a) James Cook
b) Roald Amundsen
c) Robert Falcon Scott
d) Ernest Shackleton

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Correct Answer: b) Roald Amundsen
Explanation: Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer, was the first to reach the South Pole in December 1911.

Q17. What is the main purpose of the Antarctic Treaty System?
a) To divide Antarctica among territorial claimants
b) To promote military activities in Antarctica
c) To ensure that Antarctica is used for peaceful purposes and scientific research
d) To exploit natural resources in Antarctica

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Correct Answer: c) To ensure that Antarctica is used for peaceful purposes and scientific research
Explanation: The Antarctic Treaty System was established to ensure that Antarctica remains a natural reserve devoted to peace and science.

Q18. Which of the following is not a physical feature of Antarctica?
a) Deserts
b) Ice sheets
c) Glaciers
d) Tropical beaches

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Correct Answer: d) Tropical beaches
Explanation: Antarctica is known for its ice sheets and glaciers, but it does not have tropical beaches.

Q19. What is the approximate area of Antarctica?
a) 5.5 million square kilometers
b) 14 million square kilometers
c) 30 million square kilometers
d) 50 million square kilometers

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Correct Answer: b) 14 million square kilometers
Explanation: Antarctica covers an area of about 14 million square kilometers, making it the fifth-largest continent.

Q20. Which of the following countries has a research station in Antarctica?
a) India
b) Brazil
c) South Africa
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Many countries, including India, Brazil, and South Africa, operate research stations in Antarctica for scientific studies.

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