GK MCQ on Antarctica Continent

Q1. What is the geographical location of Antarctica?
a) North Pole
b) South Pole
c) Equator
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: b) South Pole
Explanation: Antarctica is located at the South Pole, making it the southernmost continent on Earth.

Q2. Which ocean surrounds Antarctica?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Southern Ocean

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Correct Answer: d) Southern Ocean
Explanation: The Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic Ocean, surrounds the continent of Antarctica.

Q3. What is the predominant climate of Antarctica?
a) Tropical
b) Desert
c) Polar
d) Temperate

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Correct Answer: c) Polar
Explanation: Antarctica experiences a polar climate characterized by extremely low temperatures and dry conditions.

Q4. Which treaty preserves Antarctica for peaceful and scientific purposes?
a) NATO Agreement
b) Antarctic Treaty
c) Versailles Treaty
d) Geneva Convention

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Correct Answer: b) Antarctic Treaty
Explanation: The Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1961, designates Antarctica as a natural reserve for peace and science.

Q5. What percentage of the world’s freshwater reserves is held in Antarctica’s ice sheets?
a) 30%
b) 50%
c) 70%
d) 90%

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Correct Answer: c) 70%
Explanation: Approximately 70% of the world’s freshwater is stored in the ice sheets of Antarctica.

Q6. Which is the largest ice shelf in Antarctica?
a) Ross Ice Shelf
b) Ronne Ice Shelf
c) Larsen Ice Shelf
d) Amery Ice Shelf

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Correct Answer: a) Ross Ice Shelf
Explanation: The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf in Antarctica, covering an area of about 500,000 square kilometers.

Q7. What is the highest peak in Antarctica?
a) Mount Vinson
b) Mount Erebus
c) Mount Kirkpatrick
d) Mount Terror

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Correct Answer: a) Mount Vinson
Explanation: Mount Vinson is the highest peak in Antarctica, standing at 4,892 meters above sea level.

Q8. Which of the following is not a native species of Antarctica?
a) Penguins
b) Polar bears
c) Seals
d) Albatross

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Correct Answer: b) Polar bears
Explanation: Polar bears are native to the Arctic region, not Antarctica.

Q9. What phenomenon occurs during the Antarctic winter, involving extended periods of darkness?
a) Aurora Borealis
b) Polar night
c) Solar eclipse
d) Midnight sun

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Correct Answer: b) Polar night
Explanation: During the Antarctic winter, the continent experiences the polar night, which involves extended periods of darkness.

Q10. Which research station is located at the South Pole?
a) McMurdo Station
b) Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
c) Palmer Station
d) Casey Station

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Correct Answer: b) Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Explanation: The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the Geographic South Pole.

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