GK MCQ International Organizations

Q61. What is the right to food?
a) A fundamental human right that entitles everyone to have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs for an active and healthy life
b) A policy principle that prioritizes the production and distribution of food to meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations
c) A concept that emphasizes the importance of local and traditional food systems for food security and sovereignty
d) A principle that promotes the use of genetically modified crops to increase food production and reduce hunger

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Correct Answer: a) A fundamental human right that entitles everyone to have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs for an active and healthy life

Q62. What is food security?
a) The state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious, and safe food
b) The ability to produce food locally and sustainably, without relying on imports or external inputs
c) The absence of food waste and loss throughout the food supply chain
d) The promotion of ultra-processed foods and beverages as a solution to malnutrition and hunger

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Correct Answer: a) The state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious, and safe food

Q63. What is the role of the FAO in promoting food security?
a) To provide technical assistance and policy advice to member countries on food security and nutrition issues
b) To collect and analyze data on food production, trade, and consumption, and to monitor food security trends and challenges
c) To promote sustainable agriculture and natural resource management, and to support small-scale farmers and rural communities
d) To coordinate international efforts to provide food aid and emergency assistance to people affected by food crises and disasters

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Correct Answer: a) To provide technical assistance and policy advice to member countries on food security and nutrition issues

Q64. What is the International Food Security Assessment (IFSA)?
a) A global model that projects food demand and access in low- and middle-income countries
b) A database that provides information on food production, trade, and consumption at the global, regional, and country levels
c) A set of guidelines that promote the right to food and the progressive realization of the right to adequate food
d) A network of food data systems that aims to make the best available food composition data freely accessible to nutrition and health workers

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Correct Answer: a) A global model that projects food demand and access in low- and middle-income countries

Q65. What is the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security?
a) A set of principles and recommendations that guide the implementation of the right to food at the national level
b) A global framework that sets standards and targets for food security and nutrition
c) A regional agreement that promotes trade and investment in agriculture and food sectors
d) A multilateral treaty that establishes a legal framework for the protection and promotion of the right to food

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Correct Answer: a) A set of principles and recommendations that guide the implementation of the right to food at the national level

Q66. What is the role of the FAO in promoting the right to food and the progressive realization of the right to adequate food?
a) To provide technical assistance and policy advice to member countries on the right to food and the progressive realization of the right to adequate food issues
b) To collect and analyze data on the prevalence and causes of hunger and malnutrition, and to monitor the right to food trends and challenges
c) To promote the use of human rights-based approaches in agriculture and food systems
d) To support small-scale farmers and rural communities in accessing legal services and remedies for violations of the right to food

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Correct Answer: a) To provide technical assistance and policy advice to member countries on the right to food and the progressive realization of the right to adequate food issues

Q67. What is the role of the FAO in promoting food loss and waste reduction?
a) To provide technical assistance and policy advice to member countries on food loss and waste reduction issues
b) To collect and analyze data on food loss and waste along the food supply chain, and to monitor food loss and waste trends and challenges
c) To promote the use of circular economy approaches in agriculture and food systems
d) To support small-scale farmers and rural communities in reducing food loss and waste in their production and post-harvest processes

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Correct Answer: a) To provide technical assistance and policy advice to member countries on food loss and waste reduction issues

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