GK MCQ International Organizations

Q1. What does ILO stand for?
a) International Labour Organization
b) International Labour Office
c) International Labour Union
d) International Labour Union Organization

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Correct Answer: a) International Labour Organization

Q2. What is the aim of the ILO?
a) To promote economic growth
b) To promote social justice
c) To promote political stability
d) To promote military power

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Correct Answer: b) To promote social justice

Q3. What is the unique feature of the ILO?
a) It is a specialized agency of the United Nations
b) It is a tripartite organization
c) It is a regional organization
d) It is a non-governmental organization

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Correct Answer: b) It is a tripartite organization

Q4. How many member states does the ILO have?
a) 187
b) 193
c) 197
d) 200

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Correct Answer: a) 187

Q5. Who elects the Director General of the ILO?
a) The General Assembly
b) The Security Council
c) The Governing Body
d) The International Labour Conference

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Correct Answer: c) The Governing Body

Q6. What is the role of the International Labour Conference?
a) To adopt international labour standards
b) To elect the Director General
c) To adopt the budget
d) To supervise the implementation of international labour standards

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Correct Answer: a) To adopt international labour standards

Q7. What is the role of the Governing Body?
a) To adopt international labour standards
b) To elect the Director General
c) To adopt the budget
d) To supervise the implementation of international labour standards

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Correct Answer: d) To supervise the implementation of international labour standards

Q8. What is the role of the International Labour Office?
a) To implement the policies and programmes of the ILO
b) To adopt international labour standards
c) To elect the Director General
d) To supervise the implementation of international labour standards

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Correct Answer: a) To implement the policies and programmes of the ILO

Q9. How many Conventions and Recommendations has the ILO adopted so far?
a) 189 Conventions and 202 Recommendations
b) 193 Conventions and 210 Recommendations
c) 200 Conventions and 220 Recommendations
d) 205 Conventions and 230 Recommendations

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Correct Answer: a) 189 Conventions and 202 Recommendations

Q10. What is the role of the ILO in promoting equality and non-discrimination in the world of work?
a) To adopt international labour standards on equality and non-discrimination
b) To provide technical assistance and advisory services to ILO member states on equality and non-discrimination
c) To conduct research and analysis on equality and non-discrimination in the world of work
d) To all of the above

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Correct Answer: d) To all of the above

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